
💬 Upcoming Talks

*** No upcoming talks for now, it will be updated if any.

💬 Past Talks

Tanu Mitra

Assistant Professor

The University of Washington, Information School

Title: Understanding and Countering Problematic Information on Social Media Platforms

Date: 31st October, 2023

Duration: 20:00-21:00

Venue: Online


Santo Fortunato


Luddy School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering (SICE) Indiana University, Bloomington, USA

Title: Network communities, embeddings, and the science of science.

Date: May 8th, 2023

Duration: 19:30-20:30

Venue: Online

Graham Neubig

Associate Professor

Carnegie Mellon University

Title: Is My NLP Model Working?
The Answer is Harder Than You Think

Date: April 20, 2023

Duration: 19:00-20:00

Venue: Online 

Tom Hartvigsen

Postdoctoral Associate under Prof. Marzyeh Ghassemi, at MIT CSAIL. 

Title: Model Editing

Date: April 11th, 2023

Duration: 3:00 – 4:00 PM

Venue: Online


Debarghya Ghoshdastidar

Assistant Professor

TU Munich School of Computation, Information and Technology

Title: The Myths about Overfitting

Date: March 22, 2023

Venue: EE committee Room, 3rd Floor, Block III, IIT Delhi

Ted Briscoe


Mohamed Bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence, UAE

Title: Machine learning and natural language
processing in support of interactive automated tutoring for non-native writers
Date: March 22, 2023

Venue: A-006, R & D Block, IIIT-Delhi 

Anirban Dasgupta


IIT Gandhinagar 

Title: Coresets for Machine Learning

Date: February 22, 2023 


B. Aditya Prakash

Associate Professor, Georgia Tech

itle: Data Science and AI for Epidemic Response: Time-Series Forecasting and Network Interventions

Date: February 17, 2022 

Noshir Contractor

Professor, Northwestern University
Title: Machine learning and natural language
processing in support of interactive automated tutoring for non-native writers

Title: People Analytics: Using Digital Exhaust from the Web to Leverage Network Insights in the Algorithmically Infused Workplace

Date: January 10, 2022  

Luiz GUStavo Martins

Senior Developer Advocate, Google

Title: TensorFlow Hub for the NLP domain

Date: November 24, 2021 


Neil Shah

Senior Research Scientist, Snap

Title: Machine Learning on Graphs with Scarce Labels

Date: October 27, 2021 

Arun Iyer

Principal Researcher, Microsoft Research

Title: HeteGCN: Heterogeneous Graph Convolutional Networks for Text Classification

Date: September 29, 2021 

Aditya Grover

Research Scientist, Facebook AI

Assistant Professor, UCLA

Title: Pre-trained Transformers as Universal
Computation Engines

Date: September 1, 2021 


Sudipta Sarangi

Department Head and Professor of Economics Virginia Tech

Title: Multilayer Networks

Date: August 6, 2021 

Ashish Ghosh

Professor and Head of Machine
Intelligence Unit, ISI Kolkata

Title: Deep Learning: Basics, Applications and Our Contribution

Date: August 5, 2021 

Roy Ka-Wei LEE

Assistant Professor


Title: Automated Hate Speech Detection

Date: July 29, 2021


Ani Nenkova

Associate Professor, UPenn
Editor in Chief, TACL

Title: Interpretability Analysis for Named Entity Recognition

Date: July 27, 2021 

He He

Assistant Professor


Title: Guarding Against Spurious Correlations in Natural Language Understanding

Date: July 19, 2021 

Sameer Singh

Associate Professor


Title: How to Win LMs and Influence Predictions

Date: July 08, 2021


Nitendra Rajout

VP & Head | AI Garage


Title: Machine Learning Portfolio at AI Garage and Research Problems in the Fintech World
Date: June 15, 2021

William Wang

Assistant Professor


Title: Table Based Question Answering and Zero Shot Fact Checking

Date: June 10, 2021

Daniel Romera

Associate Professor


Title: Examining the Impact of Shocks on Collaborative Crowdsourcing

Date: April 13, 2021


Nitendra Rajout

IIT Bombay

Title: Explainable Artifical Intelligence
Date: April 10, 2021